Friday 28 January 2011

Evaluation: Question 3.

Evaluation Question 3.

Overall our  products received good review when we asked people. Expecially when asking ourt target audience.

I carried out a questionnaire for our magazine cover on people in our target audience. They all said that really like the magazine and that it’s colour scheme worked well to make it eye catching. One of them said that they thought ‘Movie of the decade” quote worked well to make them wanting to read this magazine as it made them gain interest about the movie it was selling. All of them said that they would buy the magazine as it has interesting content.

One person said that the white colouring behind the title “The Hunt Edition” didn’t work as it made the magazine look less professional.
Hayley carried several interviews on the poster, also Stacey and Hayley held a focus group on the poster.
- this is a link to the interviews and  focus group.

Stacey has posted a questionnaire on facebook, some people have replied which has worked to give us an idea of what our target audience would think of our teaser trailer. They were asked to answer the questions1. Of what genre do you think this trailer is?
2. What atmosphere is created in the trailer and how did this make you feel?
3. Does the trailer make you want to see the whole film?
4.Who do you think the target audience is for this...
5. And..are there any aspects of the trailer that you felt did not work?


Product Responses

These are audience responses to our poster, we also held a focus group in which they also commented on our poster.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Evaluation: Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
This is a voice recording of me answering question two of my evaluation. Below I have posted what I have said but with visual stimulants.

Evaluation Question 2.Advertising across different media gives the product we are selling more chance to be seen by people, henceforth grabbing more attention and gain more off an audience for our final product

Looking at my research int
cross media advertising, noticed that to successfully advertise a movie across different types of media, there must be reoccurring themes across all three to keep the advertising consistent with the themes and genre of the movie.

All three of our products contain the same black, white, gray and red colour scheme which conveys our across and shows the movie to be dark and mysterious, also adding consistency to our advertising. The title of our movie, even though not being in the same size is the same font on all three which makes the title of our movie easily identifiable when advertising it.

These two aspects being similar across all three makes each one consitant with our theme, but also identifiable for our advertising, these can be easily linked together by someone who sees them.

Our movie being a thriller genre, has elements of violence in it, this is shown clearly on our magazine cover and in our trailer by the gun depicted in both as a clear indicator to the audience that the movie itself will be violent.

Using a well known star to advertise the movie works well when advertising across different media types, this makes the links between our three advertising products much clearer, also he gives the movie a pre-determined audience.  On both the poster and magazine cover star status is clearly used to advertise our movie to appeal to our intended audience, he would bring in his own audience, t.  In our trailer we do not use star status as we wanted to keep the sense of mystery about the trailer and the character, this is also shown on the poster as he is facing away.

Evaluation: Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout our project we have used new media technology it helped us to make and develop our final pieces to look more professional.

In our research we thought it would be a good idea to use websites like, Survey  Monkey, Facebook and Yahoo to post questionnaires on, we thought posting in on the internet would allows us to create a much larger sample size, in turn giving us a more in depth information. This didn’t work as not many people replied to our questionnaire.

At first I found Photoshop difficult to use, but quickly got use to how it works. When I learnt how to use it, it was relatively simple to create the desired effects I wanted. We used it a lot in creating our ancillary products. It is easy to experiment with different effects on Photoshop which gave us a lot to look at in terms of how we wanted our ancillary products to look.

Whilst shooting our trailer we ended up with a lot of extra footage, we used Final Cut Pro to decide what clips we would like to keep and which we didn’t. It allowed us to put the clips together to create our final product and create smooth transitions between them.

After making our trailer we realised that there were sounds missing that we could add to it using Sound Track Pro, which meant that we could experiment with different sound effect to find out which ones matched our trailer properly.  We used it to make the footsteps, the eerie non-diegetic music and the gunshot.

Audacity is a program on whichou can record yourself talking and then convert into any file to use. I used this in answering my evaluation question number two and was helpful in showing what different new media types can be used for presentations.

are easy to use and means that we can organize our projects online in a simple to read format which does not require any paperwork. 

Evaluation: Question 1

 Evaluation Question 1.

In what ways does your media product uses, develops or challenges forms and conventions of real media products?

Our film trailer challenges the usual  conventions by having a linear narrative, which is isn’t seen in most movie trailers; most trailers show the most entertaining parts to sell the movie to their intended audience. Having a linear narrative which would keep the audience intereated and add some mystery and tension to our trailer. We decided that adding flashbacks would make it more conventional as the kind of product that we are making.

In my research I found that the most successful teaser trailers were the ones with a linear narrative, but did not give away a lot about the movie, which works successfully to keep audience attention, and to continue the viral marketing of a movie. This is an example of a trailer with a linear narrative that I found in my research.

Putting the title our movie and the end of the trailer is seen a lot throughout movie trailers, as after the audience has seen all these interesting clips and action the title of the movie shows last to keep it in the audiences mind.

We decided to follow the traditional conventions in our ancillary products as in my research I found that the usual conventions work well to market a movie.

In my research I found that magazines and posters used start status to sell their products, this would give their product a pre-determined audience, and we decided to use this in our ancillary tasks. In my research more people preferred to see a poster/magazine if it has star they like on the front of it.

Monday 24 January 2011

EDL (Edit Decision List)

Log of all the clips that we captured and used in our final edit. This would be given to the editor so they know which clips to use.




Thursday 20 January 2011

Final Poster.

This is our final poster that our group has chosen. After looking at our research we decided that a dark theme worked really well for thriller posters as they add mystery and tension. The use of red fonts is also seen across a lot of thriller genre posters. We decided to include the red font on the date as it was the brightest colour we are using and this makes the date stand out, as we believe it be an important feature. The main focus of the poster is the central image which takes up a lot of the page. The title of our movie is important feature so we decided to give it the biggest font and put it in capital letters, making it stand out more for people viewing it. This is also commonplace amongst thriller posters.

This is our other poster on which we experimented with its features.

Final Magazine Cover

This is our final magazine cover which Hayley made for our ancillary task.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Mock-up Magazine Cover 2.

Me and Georgia, experimented with the original cover design using various techniques to create different effects, she brought a fresh pair of eyes to it and she helped to develop and improve the cover overall.

Friday 7 January 2011

Mock-up Poster

This is a mock-up poster I did for our ancillary task. 

Ancillary Mock-up Poster

This is a mock up of our poster for our ancillary task, this is a primary idea, and was done on photoshop.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Mock-up Magazine Cover

This is a mock-up for a magazine cover I did for our groups ancillary task. Looking at my ancillary research into audiences, I decided to include our movies star (Adam Lloyd) on the front as it would attract more of our target audience.