Thursday 27 January 2011

Evaluation: Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
This is a voice recording of me answering question two of my evaluation. Below I have posted what I have said but with visual stimulants.

Evaluation Question 2.Advertising across different media gives the product we are selling more chance to be seen by people, henceforth grabbing more attention and gain more off an audience for our final product

Looking at my research int
cross media advertising, noticed that to successfully advertise a movie across different types of media, there must be reoccurring themes across all three to keep the advertising consistent with the themes and genre of the movie.

All three of our products contain the same black, white, gray and red colour scheme which conveys our across and shows the movie to be dark and mysterious, also adding consistency to our advertising. The title of our movie, even though not being in the same size is the same font on all three which makes the title of our movie easily identifiable when advertising it.

These two aspects being similar across all three makes each one consitant with our theme, but also identifiable for our advertising, these can be easily linked together by someone who sees them.

Our movie being a thriller genre, has elements of violence in it, this is shown clearly on our magazine cover and in our trailer by the gun depicted in both as a clear indicator to the audience that the movie itself will be violent.

Using a well known star to advertise the movie works well when advertising across different media types, this makes the links between our three advertising products much clearer, also he gives the movie a pre-determined audience.  On both the poster and magazine cover star status is clearly used to advertise our movie to appeal to our intended audience, he would bring in his own audience, t.  In our trailer we do not use star status as we wanted to keep the sense of mystery about the trailer and the character, this is also shown on the poster as he is facing away.

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