Thursday 27 January 2011

Evaluation: Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout our project we have used new media technology it helped us to make and develop our final pieces to look more professional.

In our research we thought it would be a good idea to use websites like, Survey  Monkey, Facebook and Yahoo to post questionnaires on, we thought posting in on the internet would allows us to create a much larger sample size, in turn giving us a more in depth information. This didn’t work as not many people replied to our questionnaire.

At first I found Photoshop difficult to use, but quickly got use to how it works. When I learnt how to use it, it was relatively simple to create the desired effects I wanted. We used it a lot in creating our ancillary products. It is easy to experiment with different effects on Photoshop which gave us a lot to look at in terms of how we wanted our ancillary products to look.

Whilst shooting our trailer we ended up with a lot of extra footage, we used Final Cut Pro to decide what clips we would like to keep and which we didn’t. It allowed us to put the clips together to create our final product and create smooth transitions between them.

After making our trailer we realised that there were sounds missing that we could add to it using Sound Track Pro, which meant that we could experiment with different sound effect to find out which ones matched our trailer properly.  We used it to make the footsteps, the eerie non-diegetic music and the gunshot.

Audacity is a program on whichou can record yourself talking and then convert into any file to use. I used this in answering my evaluation question number two and was helpful in showing what different new media types can be used for presentations.

are easy to use and means that we can organize our projects online in a simple to read format which does not require any paperwork. 

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