Saturday 18 September 2010

Magazine Cover Analysis 3.

Public Enemies ( Sight And Sound):

-  The central figure of this magazine cover is the star Johnny Depp in a shot from the film Public Enemies; this is because they are using his star appeal as a unique selling point as he will have a pre determined audience.
- The title of the magazine has a yellow background which makes it stand out as does that it’s it capitols. Unlike on the other covers I have analysed the title of this magazine is not covered by anything, this could be because it is more of an indepemdent magazine or because of the title being separated from the rest of the magazine, making the title stand out more.
- At the head of the cover there is the British Film institute logo which makes this magazine looks more reputable and professional.
- The blood on the cover shows the feature film to be violent, the title ‘Gangsters Special’, shows the genre of the film to be Gangster, this stands out as it is in the biggest font and also it is in white.
- The two different headings and the directors name are made to stand out as separate as they all are different fonts and colours. This draws the reader’s attention to them each separately.
-The use of red colouring on the word plus makes this word stand out and the writing next to it.
-The mode of address on this magazine is indirect and formal, which shows this magazine to be virtuoso compared to other film magazines that I have analysed.

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