Wednesday 15 September 2010

Poster Analysis 5.


-The dark background used in this poster reflects the serious tone of the movie.
-The use of red lighting on the lifts connotes danger and evil, also the red lighting looks like and upside down cross which symbolises the devil and reiterates the idea of evil.
- The tagline in this poster gives the movie a feeling of claustrophobia, as does the closed lifts doors, with the use of the word ‘trapped’, also the other sentence suggest something other worldly.
-The two buttons on the side of the lift give the audience the idea of religious themes. The white button pointing up represents heaven and coincidently god. The black and red downwards facing one represents the devil and hell, also the one representing hell is lit up which suggest the people on a lift going ‘to hell and back’.
- The name of the director is in bold which makes it stand out as the unique selling point, also he will have a pre-determined audience. There are no other names on this poster as none of them are famous stars; this poster is solely relying on the name of the director to sell the movie.
-The title on this poster is in white, which is unusual compared to the other thriller posters I have analysed as they all use red writing, I think this is done to make the title stand out more, also to make the upside down cross stand out more as it is the only purely red thing on the poster.
-In modern mythology the number ‘6’ is the number of the devil, this number is at the top of the lift, which suggest religious themes and also the presence of the devil in the movie.
- I think this poster is effectively laid out to show religious symbolism to communicate the themes of the movie to the audience, but to know these symbols foreknowledge is needed, as it is largely common knowledge not many people which have trouble interpreting this poster.

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